About Us

CHILLY FACTORY (an unit of Charging Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.)
Our expertise team engaged in treatment during process to pack gives an edge to keep intact their rich aromas, original taste or flavour, adulteration free packed for longer duration uses which are hygienic in nature during pick and pack to transport from farms of various countries to your kitchen with Purity and hygiene process adopted during production is unmatched and un-compared
Process from pick from farms to factory being processed using Solar power Energy system with sustainable and eco-friendly journey, our strong believe in harmonising with nature and creator, which is why we have integrated solar energy into our production process.
Our know how about species of spices for their nature, uses, varieties, aromas, process.
As Lord Sun blesses and kissed fields where our spices grow, we harness the power of the sun, not just to ripen our produce, but also to fuel the processing using solar energy based hybrid type solar dryer.
All electrical heaters are powered by solar energy direct , and during process excess heat is being stored to use further without using any other energy source of any type to heating the oven, which gives freedom in terms of saving of energy and its cost so limited hour availability of sun light .
Extended working hour to reduce process cost and helping to fulfil the commitment for products supply as per demand, and packaging of every spice that reaches you in pouches, boxes or vacuum packaged packets.
This ensures a reduction in our carbon footprint and provides you with a product that’s as pure as nature intended. Below are best available benefit to human kind and nature
We are able to supply any quantity of spices any season with our strong network of progressive farmers/youths/self help group /co-operative societies are in business of horticulture as well floriculture produces using our iRAM systems for leave vegetables/fruits/spices /oil extractions/grain pulverisation and packing of produces.
iRAM (https://adityasolars.com/agriculture-2/) offering are creating affordable micro level industry supported by various financial support from Government schemes, at Farm Level and Village level at places where availability of electricity scared, enabling below supports directly or indirectly
- promote cash rich crops, raise income of farmers, removal of poverty,
- System supporting for use of unused land for agriculture use,
- Zero operational cost
- Less compliances needed,
- Most effective utilization of human resources at village level
- Food security being maintained by availability of seasonal produce to all season,
- Price rise of agriculture due to non-season products controlled mean more saving to consumers,
- No change in color, taste and nutrition value of produces after processing
- Training to users by our experts for processing of various nature produces.
- Its encouraging family business and culture