
Lakadong Turmeric
Lakadong turmeric belongs to Lakadong village situated in the state of Meghalaya. It is said to be the world’s best turmeric variant due to its high concentration of curcumin levels. Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory compound present in turmeric that plays a major role in repairing the body internally. Usually, turmeric contains around 2-4% of curcumin but Lakadong’s concentration goes upto a whopping 7-12%.
Alleppey Turmeric
Alleppey is a small town in Kerala which is not only famous for its breathtaking scenic beauty but also for its turmeric production.
Alleppey turmeric contains about 5% curcumin and is used to make several homemade remedies and Ayurvedic medicines.

Madras Turmeric
Another famous South Indian turmeric variety comes from Madras. It has a lighter yellow colour as compared to other and on an average contains about 3.5% curcumin.
Erode Turmeric
Do you know that Erode turmeric received its GI Tag in March 2019? GI Tag or Geographical Tag is a tag given to food products that are specific to a particular geographical location and possess certain qualities due to that origin. Erode is a small city in Tamil Nadu that produces Erode turmeric with about 3-4% of curcumin.

Sangli Turmeric
Sangli turmeric too received its GI Tag back in 2018 because of its unique characteristics. It is produced in Sangli, Maharashtra and accounts for more than 70% of the state’s turmeric production. Sangli turmeric has a deep-orange colour and is often used for medicinal purposes.
Nizamabad Turmeric
Another popular Indian turmeric variety comes from. Nizamabad, Telangana. It contains 2-4% curcumin on an average and has a classic yellow colour.

Rajapuri Turmeric
Our Rajapuri Turmeric Powder has a distinctly earthy, slightly bitter and a little hot peppery flavor. NUTRITIONAL BENEFITS : Our Rajapuri Turmeric Powder is used for coloring and flavoring food, for cosmetic purposes and for medicinal properties that date back to the ancient Vedic culture of India.
Selam Turmeric
Salem is a place in Tamil Nadu, India, which is famous for ages, for the turmeric it produces. This turmeric is regarded of great quality and colour and also higher in curcumin content as compared to some other varieties of turmeric.